Wednesday, August 22, 2007


is beautiful my marian

oui tu as besoin de choses simples,
comme l'enfance,
comme l'enfant qui a une vision du futur tres forte et grande,mais qui a aussi une vision du futur spontané,du futur-present,
explode every moment of the present,
exploring each eyes movements as if there will no tomorrow,
because this tomorrow are the present,
as the murmures of our chest.
as hands,pure hands around the head and the heart,
as the love,
this eternel Loves and plants,
as rain from bottom and high.
as my comfort,my taller comfort for you,
my absolute and infinite tenderness for all your body-Soul-heart.

sinuous is the fear,
emilian have the fear and is normal,
but we have each others to understand and across fears as a sun,
we have to embrace the fear with all our lips and stomach.
you,my marian,you are one of this human on this planet that can make poetry with this fear,
that can make and create the most sensitive and touching sentiments for love,
but not all the people.
and you,
you deserve since that you was born.

i'm there
and here,
i'm the most wild-tender-Child now,
full as ocean of sensivity,
for life.

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